On Wednesday 29 April, De Montfort University (DMU) students took part in a virtual Q&A session with a panel of senior leaders from across the university. Course Reps attended the event held on Microsoft Teams to ask your questions.
The ‘Ask the Experts’ event has been running for three years and gives Course Reps and students the opportunity to go straight to the top for vital answers and information.
At the event, Course Reps raised issues about assessment feedback time, student accommodation, mental health and wellbeing and the no detriment policy. The panel gave updates regarding how the university is adapting to the current situation, how to apply to the DMU student hardship fund, how students can access online textbooks and an update on the no detriment policy.
To see all the questions asked and the answers, click here.
Laura Flowers, your Academic Executive said: “At a time of confusion, it was wonderful for students to hear directly from senior leaders at the ‘Ask the Experts event”
“We asked questions and spoke about a variety of different topics on students minds such as the no detriment policy, tips on academic writing and queries surrounding the future of online learning.”
“It was useful to hear from lots of different staff members, make new contacts, hear that other students are having similar problems and that staff are trying to help and answer questions where they can.”
If you missed the ‘Ask the Expert’ event but would like to have your voice heard, you can contact the DSU Voice team at voice@dmu.ac.uk. You can also send questions to the DMU AskUs inbox.
The panel included: Jackie Labbe (Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Alasdair Blair (Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor Academic), Jon Lees (Deputy Director of Student and Academic Services), Claire Orwin (Associate Dean Academic, Faculty of Arts, Design and Humanities), Julia Cook (Interim Associate Dean Academic, Faculty of Business and Law), Nicola Brookes (Associate Dean Academic, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences), David Parkes (Director of Library and Learning Services), Umesh Desai (Director of Estates and Commercial Services), Fiona Dick (Head of Sport), Debbie Le Play (University Senior Tutor), Pamela Hardaker (Associate Professor, Faculty of Computing and Media), Neil Stokes (Academic Team Manager, Library and Learning Services), Penni Robson (Chief Executive Officer, De Montfort Students’ Union), Adele Browne (Head of Careers and Employability, Student and Academic Services), Phil Scarffe (Head of Student Welfare), Paul McNicoll (Associate Professor of Student Experience, Faculty of Arts, Design and Humanities), Pete Norman (Head of Infrastructure and Architecture, Information, Media and Technology Services) and Anna Chesters (Associate Professor, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences).