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Can my registration at DMU be terminated?

Yes, the Regulations enable the University to terminate a student’s registration in a number of circumstances.  These can be broadly categorised into two types; penalties resulting from breaches of General Regulations, or academic failure according to Programme Regulations.

Can I appeal?

Yes, in principle.  However, although you have the right to appeal, to do so successfully you would also need to meet the grounds to appeal.  You will need to follow the procedure outlined in the applicable regulations (this will depend on the reason for the termination). If unsure, please seek advice from DSU Advice.

Where can I find the regulations relating to termination?

There are various Chapters of the DMU General Regulations related to termination, depending on the reason.  For example, for poor attendance, non-payment of fees, dishonest applications or non-compliance with visa requirements see Chapter 1, in the case of disciplinary action (including Fitness to Practice) see Chapter 2, Health/behavioural reasons; Chapter 3, and Academic Offences; Chapter 4.

In the event of academic reasons (failure to meet the programme’s progression or award requirements) you will need to refer to the relevant Regulations listed below and perhaps also your specific Programme Regulations on Blackboard.

Taught Programmes Regulations

Code of Practice for Research Degree Students

DMUIC (formerly LIPC) Regulations

The appeals process relating to termination for academic reasons is found in Chapter 8 of the General Regulations.

Where can I get advice and help with an appeal?

DSU Advice provides independent and confidential advice on University regulations and processes, and can help you prepare your case and offers representation at hearings.

Can I repeat the year?

The university allows students who have failed level 4 and whose registration would otherwise be terminated one opportunity to repeat the level. This can be on their original or a different programme. The opportunity is open to students who passed at least 30 credits at the first attempt and 60 credits by the end of level 4, but who can’t achieve enough credits to progress into level 5. If students haven’t taken their reassessments or have deferred assessments by the end of the academic session, they may become eligible to repeat level 4 at a later date. In this case the chance will be offered at the next available opportunity. This is not possible for all programmes, for example some professionally-accredited programmes do not have this provision, so do check your Programme regulations on Blackboard. When repeating a level, none of the module marks from the previous attempt will be retained. If a repeat year is agreed, a repeat year agreement form should be completed.

The university won’t normally consider requests from students to repeat level 5 or level 6, but exceptions might be made in the most exceptional cases, usually with strong evidence of extenuating personal circumstances.  This will be at the discretion of the faculty's Associate Dean (Academic).  The decision of the Associate Dean (Academic) or nominee is final.

If I cannot continue studying at DMU, what are my options?

Firstly, contact your Faculty Advice Centre to find out whether you have attained enough credits for an exit award.  You might receive a lower qualification than you were aiming for.

You may be able to return to DMU in the future.  Depending upon the reason for your termination, reinstatement or re-admission may or may not be possible:

The General Regulations state that students terminated for poor attendance must wait 2 years before they can re-apply to DMU.  

The Taught Programmes Regulations stipulate that in the case of academic failure, (unless there are exceptional circumstances for which an exception might be made) Undergraduates must wait for a full 2-year period to elapse from the date of termination before re-applying (without any guarantee of being offered a place) and not normally to the same course.

The Taught Programmes Regulations state that in cases of academic failure, a Postgraduate can seek re-enrolment to complete and initial, higher or final award after at least one full calendar year has elapsed since termination. 

In both cases this is only possible within the maximum period of registration for that course.

Where a student is expelled for disciplinary reasons, they can never be readmitted to DMU under any circumstances.

If in doubt please seek advice on your position from DSU Advice.

You may be able to continue studying at another institution.  If you have been awarded an exit award you may be able to ‘top-up’ from this level to your desired qualification without necessarily starting from the beginning.  You will need to contact the institution you are applying to for information about their policy relating to Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

If you are considering future study, you may need advice on either your entitlement to Student Finance, or your eligibility for additional Tier 4 Leave.  Please seek advice from DSU Advice to clarify your position at the earliest opportunity to avoid disappointment.

You may need to reconsider your plans.  Careers advice is available from the DMU Careers Service.

Termination can be a stressful experience, so please do seek support as required.  Although you can no longer access the University’s counselling or mental health support service, there are many other services available.  Our website has a list of useful mental health resources
