What we've done to make sure you're okay | #AreYouOkay Dec 2020

What we've done to make sure you're okay | #AreYouOkay Dec 2020

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Your Academic Executive, Laura Flowers, recently launched her Are You Okay? campaign to ensure that we're making your university experience the best it can be. We encourage you to full out the survey and let us know how you are. This is your space. Your voice. We are listening.

Over the past few months, our Are You Okay? initiative has identified a variety of reasons as to why you are struggling such as being unable to access timetables, Blackboard or support. Laura saw these concerns and worked with individual students and their faculties to improve their experience, she said "it was wonderful to be able to raise these concerns and get this sorted for you.' 

Moving into the more current responses from the survey, we are seeing a lot of loneliness and requests for additional support in finding friends. While there are lots of support services available at De Montfort University (DMU) for a range of areas, we understand that sometimes a more personal approach is appreciated which is why De Montfort Students' Union are planning plenty of events and sessions that you can get involved in.

Laura said, "I have added some social events every week to be able to address this for you. I’m so excited for you to get involved."

Keep checking our events page for all of the sessions that you can get involved in! From live streams with the Executives to social nights over Zoom. You can find a full list of our events here.



This is your space. Your voice. We are listening.

Let us know if you're okay and find out more about the campaign here.

