Becoming part of our Officer Team at De Montfort Students’ Union is a rewarding experience that we encourage you to get involved in.
Nominations for our annual Officer Elections are now open, this is your chance to have your voice heard and spark the chance. You can learn more about how to nominate yourself here.
We have been in touch with some of our past Officers to see what they enjoyed most about their time representing you and how their experience benefited them in their career endeavors.
Amie Blockley was the Deputy President Education from 2014-2016. The structure of the Officer team has changed slightly since then, you can find out more about the new roles and what they do here.

Amie’s achievements as an Officer
Amie was not only Deputy President Education during her time at DSU but she also acted as interim President during her second year. She recalls that the role was “incredibly diverse and I jumped into anything from campaigning to policy, protesting to writing detailed reports for committees.”
A handful of Amies achievements while Deputy President Education were:
As part of the DSU Officer team, you can spark the change on both a local and national scale.
One of Amie’s most memorable moments was working with Academic Quality to open courses both in the UK and aboard. Amie says she “met incredible people such as Baroness Lawrence and spoke at her ceremony."
Reminiscing on the time, Amie also mentioned that she met some “phenomenal people studying at DMU who more than anything wanted to make a positive difference.”

How has being an Officer benefitted Amie now?
We love staying connected with our Officers after they have left us at DSU. Amie has done incredibly well for herself landing a job as a Primary School teacher funded by the charity TeachFirst.
Amie says “The experiences I had as an Officer completely shaped how I moved forward with my career.”
Something fantastic to point out is that Amie’s Academic Quality work landed her a role on the TEF (Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework) panel. In this role, Amie helped “get the student voice across when they were deciding awards for universities.” During this time, she was also working as a teaching assistant.
Reflecting on her journey, Amie told us “My experience as an Officer built me into the resilient person I am today. I don’t shy away from hard work – I embrace it.”

So, you’re liking the sound of being an Officer?
Amie has some great advice for you if you’re considering nominating yourself in this year's Elections:
“Do not let anything stop you, if you want to make a change and you have the solutions - go and grab this opportunity with both hands.”
“Being an Officer changed my life. One brave moment turned into a 2-year journey (and many hair colour changes!) that I will treasure for the rest of my life.”
If you are reading this thinking that you don’t have much student backing, no big campaign team or in the middle of your dissertation, just know that Amie was thinking just the same when she decided to nominate herself and look where it got her!
Our Officer team are made up of five full-time Executive Officers and seven part-time Liberation Representation Officers. You can find out more about each of the role here.
Don’t get stuck on mute. Spark the chance by nominating yourself here.
Nominations for the DSU Officer Elections 2021 are open now and close on Monday 15 February at 11:59pm.