RESULTS: Your Mature Students’ Representative is…

Your Mature Students' Representative is Harsh Shah following a by-election.

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The polls have closed, the votes have been counted and the results are in. Following a by-election, your Mature Students’ Representative is...Harsh Shah.

Harsh Shah will join our Officer Team including 5 full-time Executive Officers and 6 other Liberation Representatives to represent students at De Montfort University (DMU).

See your now completed Officer Team here.

In Harsh’s manifesto he said: “As a representative, it is my priority to make sure your voices are heard as I believe everyone deserves equal opportunities."

Harsh will be representing mature students at DMU for 2019/20.

Harsh continued in his manifest: "I will be more than happy to hear complaints regarding studies or campus or anything that affects you in certain way and will try my best to resolve them.

I like delivering things with utmost quality and hence, open to suggestions, which can improve the quality of my work.”

