Student Staff Vacancies



There are currently no Student Staff vacancies available.

What our Venue staff say about working for DSU...
I thoroughly enjoy working in the bar as it’s easy, good funandi'm able to work around my timetable and the staffare really easyto get along with and the best thing isfree Entry on event nights andfree food when I work a 4 hour shift or more!
Danielle Simpson – Bar staff

There are currently no student staff vacancies available.



There are currently no Student Staff Vacancies available.

There are currently no Student Staff Vacancies available.

   What our Reception staff say about working for DSU..,
Working in Reception gives me the opportunity to get involvedwith my University on a non-studying basis. DSU is based on campusso it’s close to Uni which is ideal.The students and staff are verypolite and it’s a good experience with real responsibility that I can put on my CVto enhance my employability!


Elena Abdellahi – Receptionist


Keep your eyes peeled throughout the year for the latest updates!