Candidate for the position of Academic Full Time Executive

Image for Roy Weller

Roy Weller

a Brighter Academic Future at DMU.

Fellow Students,

My name is Roy Mark Weller, and I'm a passionate advocate for an empowered and thriving student community. As a DMU student since 2015, I've navigated every stage of academic life, from undergrad to postgrad to a PhD study in social media and digital pedagogy. My journey extends beyond DMU walls, with experience as a lecturer, module leader, dissertation supervisor, I understand every aspect of teaching and learning. Today, I stand before you not just as a fellow student, but as an educator, here to support you.

My Commitment:

Demystifying Representation: I'll empower student leader to be effective advocates for change, providing training, resources, and clear channels of communication.

Building Bridges: I'll foster strong relationships with faculty, ensuring your voice is heard and reflected in academic decisions.

Transparency & Progress: Regular SU meetings and feedback will keep you informed and involved in your future.

Inclusive Excellence: I'll champion accessible resources and support systems for international and underprivileged students, ensuring everyone thrives.

Bridging the Gap: I'll reinforce existing mentorship programs connecting experienced students with newcomers, fostering a supportive and inclusive community.

Enhanced mental health support: As someone who is a long time sufferer of mental health. I recognizing the challenges you face, I advocate for better resources and access to mental health services.

Career-ready skills development: I'll push for increased practical opportunities like internships and workshops to boost your employability.

Celebrating student achievements: From academic excellence to community contributions, I'll champion events and recognition programs to showcase your talents.

This is just the beginning. 

Join me on this journey, and let's build a DMU where every student feels empowered, inspired, and prepared to make their mark on the world. 

Vote for Roy! your voice for a brighter academic future!