Candidate for the position of Union Development Full Time Executive

Image for Arbaz Khan

Arbaz Khan



This is Arbaz Khan from second year Marketing (Bachelors) standing up for the role of Union Development Executive Officer for year 2024/2025.

My goal is to create a lively, welcoming campus community where each student feels empowered to reach their full potential in their academic, social, and personal lives. I'm determined to make a difference and improve everyone's experience as a student with your help.


My candidature for this election aims to improve how students use the university and guarantee that services are always available.


• Sustainability is one of my motives that I want to achieve I will work on the launch of new projects that gives the opportunities to students to get involved with union for sustainability perspectives.

• I want to make international students experience better.

• Together with other executives, I'll organise various events for SU students that will inspire them to discover more about different cultures.


It will be simple for pupils to hear about one other's problems since they will belong to distinct communities and have independent minds.


University is not just about getting a degree; it's about discovering who you are and what you're passionate about.


If you want to get in contact with me, please email me on