Candidate for the position of Equality and Diversity Full Time Executive

Image for Vinod Kumar Chakravarthula

Vinod Kumar Chakravarthula

Hello, I am Vinod and I am standing DMU Students' Union election for the role of Equality and Diversity Executive because I trust I can contribute more in this area from my previous experience. 

1. Why do you want to stand?

I am standing to bring you a unique student experience to your University life in all areas including academics, social life, employment/entrepreneurial opportunities and above all 1st class customer service in our university because you deserve it!

I have: (3Ps)

• Passion for service excellence – 1st class!

• Passion for change – I see opportunities in challenges!

• Passion for world class results to put DMU Union on the national & international map!

2. How would you represent De Montfort University students?

I am passionate to support you as a student to ensure that you make the best out of your student life at DMU by listening to every student’s concerns, bringing more opportunities, increasing the level of support/services, and promoting your rights and inclusivity across campus as a student. 

3. If you could change three things about anything to do with being a student at De Montfort University, what would they be?

• 3 Fs in International experience – more Food(events), more Friends and more Fun!

• Employability – graduate job opportunities, campus recruitments, work experience, part-time jobs and placements!

• Interaction of all students across campus irrespective of their nationality, orientation, interest and background

  Vote for your UNIQUE student exprience, vote for Vinod