DRO Decisions

Deputy Returning Officers Rulings  


Nature of complaint

Evidence provided

Actions and resolution


Negative personal campaigning: sabotaging campaigns


Asked an individual to unlike campaign pages of another candidate on Facebook


Screenshots of messenger chats

Candidate met with DRO


Verbal warning issued


Attempting to coerce votes

Campaigning too close to polling station(s)


Candidate alleged to have made efforts to “infringe ability to talk to people” by interrupting conversations



Candidate contacted by DRO via email


No further action taken


Other: Candidate accused of telling voters not to give second preferences


Candidate contacted by DRO via email


No further action taken


Violation not selected:


Complaint relating to conduct of campaign team members



Candidate contacted by DRO via email and candidate asked to provide response via email due to non-attendance of DRO at the time.


Written warning issued


Other: Complaint relating to Facebook messages



Complainant contacted by DRO via email due to no violation


No further action being taken


Attempting to coerce votes

Negative personal campaigning


Candidate encouraging students to vote for RON in other categories



Candidate contacted by DRO via email


No further action taken although serious action would be taken if further allegations were received based on compromising the integrity of the elections


Negative personal campaigning



Complaint relating to alleged conduct and racial discrimination



The candidates this relates to were spoken to by the CEO


The racial discrimination was not based on the complaint but a ruling of the DRO so no further action taken on that point expect to communicate this more clearly with the candidates.


Candidate met with DRO and Election Official. DRO issued a written warning


Campaigning too close to polling station(s)


Alleged crossing of campaign line boundary


Photos sent to DRO

Candidate met with DRO and Election Official. DRO and Returning Officer have issued a final written warning


Query: posting of photo with election staff on social media

Photo sent to DRO

Staff (non-Union) reminded of roles during the elections


No further action taken


Intimidation of fellow candidates / campaigners / students / staff

Campaigning too close to polling station(s)



Boundary breaches and aggressive nature; alleged intimidation from a member of the campaigns team



Candidate met with DRO


Verbal warning issued based on the threat of violence, whether intentional or otherwise




Intimidation of fellow candidates / campaigners / students / staff

Negative personal campaigning


Alleged grabbing of voters and forcing handshakes



Candidate met with DRO and Election Official. DRO and Returning Officer have issued a final written warning


Attempting to coerce votes

Intimidation of fellow candidates / campaigners / students / staff

Campaigning too close to polling station(s)


Disposal of other candidates’ publicity materials from voters hands



Candidate met with DRO and Election Official. DRO and Returning Officer have issued a final written warning


Intimidation of fellow candidates / campaigners / students / staff


Alleged aggression towards another candidate.


Seen by others

Candidate met with DRO and Election Official. DRO and Returning Officer have issued a final written warning


Attempting to coerce votes

Intimidation of fellow candidates / campaigners / students / staff


Informing voters not to engage with particular candidate, interrupting conversations, removal of other candidates’ publicity materials from voters’ hands, encouraging voters to vote RON in other categories


Candidate met with DRO and Election Official. DRO and Returning Officer have issued a final written warning


Negative personal campaigning



Dismissive of a rival candidate’s policies, discussions about the benefits of re-electing candidates, aggression towards another campaign team, interrupting conversations; encouraging voters not to use preferential voting.


Candidate met with DRO and Election Official. DRO issued a written warning


Other: Discussions about the benefits of re-electing candidates


Candidate met with DRO and Election Official. DRO issued a written warning


Campaign materials suggest slander against an individual / organisation


Alleged accusations about making derogatory comments about another candidate


Candidate met with DRO and Election Official. DRO issued a written warning




Attempting to coerce votes

Intimidation of fellow candidates / campaigners / students / staff


Getting voters to move away from the polling station to engage in conversation about their particular campaign. On occasion the candidate blocked the potential voter from re-entering the voting space.


This behaviour was witnessed on several occasions and the candidate was spoken to but continued to do so.


Complainant advised by DRO not to submit complaint due to candidate potentially becoming a Trustee and suggested this was submitted by another witness which happened and was investigated.


The RO was made aware of this omission and undertook their own investigation.


The RO decided that, had this been received at the appropriate time, the candidate wold have been issued with a written warning, however as the candidate had already received a final written warning, this incident meant the RO took the decision to apply a retrospective penalty meaning the candidate was withdrawn


Attempting to coerce votes

Campaigning too close to polling station(s)


Getting voters to move away from the polling station – sometimes whilst in it - to engage in conversation about their particular campaign



Candidate met with DRO and Election Official. DRO issued a written warning


Intimidation of fellow candidates / campaigners / students / staff


Directly asked “have you got a problem with me?”; getting voters to move away from the polling station – sometimes whilst in it - to engage in conversation about their particular campaign; invasion of personal space



Candidate met with DRO and Election Official. DRO issued a written warning


Attempting to coerce votes

Intimidation of fellow candidates / campaigners / students / staff



Candidate 1: Invasion of personal space speaking over this individual, interrupting conversation


Candidate 2: Interrupting conversation, invasion of personal space, knowingly told a voter if they voted for them, they were required to vote for another candidate in another category


Candidate 1 met with DRO and Election Official. DRO issued a written warning


Candidate 2 met with DRO and Election Official. DRO issued a final written warning


Reference to third candidate however complaint was based on associated partners and nothing specifically related to individual so no further action was taken against them


Intimidation of students


In conversation the candidate said “you already know who you are voter for, don’t’ vote for them” followed by “I’m 100% forcing him, I’m twisting his arm under duress” whilst laughing


Candidate met with DRO and Election Official. DRO issued a written warning



Intimidation of fellow candidates / campaigners / students / staff

Campaigning too close to polling station(s)



Getting voters to move away from the polling station – sometimes whilst in it - to engage in conversation about their particular campaign; knowingly told a voter if they voted for them, they were required to vote for another candidate in another category


Candidate met with DRO and Election Official. DRO issued a written warning



Intimidation of fellow candidates / campaigners / students / staff



Shoulder-barged a campaigner who was about to speak to a student; was not able to speak to them although candidate did


Candidate met with DRO and Election Official. DRO issued a final written warning subject to accumulated complaints



Attempting to coerce votes

Intimidation of fellow candidates / campaigners / students / staff


On multiple occasions, this individual’s campaign team are alleged to have display intimidating and hostile behaviour and prevented other candidates engaging in conversation with students as they have walked them to the line.


Candidate met with DRO and Election Official. DRO issued a written warning



Attempting to coerce votes

Intimidation of fellow candidates / campaigners / students / staff

Negative personal campaigning


Alleged accusations about making derogatory comments about another candidate; tried to prevent other candidates engaging in conversation with potential voters; a member of the candidate’s campaign team allegedly called another candidate racist


Candidate met with DRO and Election Official. DRO issued a written warning



  1. Query: Friend received an email
  2. Received the email personally


Email was from casttherightvote@gmail.com with the name DMUStudents VotingAdvice. Instructed students to vote in the last day of elections. Suggested voting for five named full time Officers and implied these were the right individuals to provide strong leadership for the Union. Gave students the opportunity to read all manifestos


Complaint is based on this looking as though it was sent from an official source; content is misleading and provides an unfair advantage to those named, whether knowledgeable or not; invasion of privacy

Forwarded a copy of the email

DRO replied to the email to the address (08.03.2020) to ascertain some information and provide some reflections, currently remains unanswered:


The "name", "DMUStudents VotingAdvice", indicates an official group with permission to contact students.

Candidates have been asked to share any materials in advance with the Student Voice team so we are aware of who these messages are being sent to in case of complaints.


Can you confirm the source of this email list I assume or indicate how many students were sent this.


Not too concerned by the content of the message as similar to society endorsement but may receive complaints relating to a data breach; what list were they taken from? Were these individuals blind copied into the email? 


The slogan "cast the right vote" is a matter of personal opinion and potentially slanderous to candidates you fail to acknowledge although I appreciate that reference is given to the manifestos being available online.

Misleading: Officers' salaries are paid by students


Who is the “we” in the following statement “after much research, these are the candidates "we" believe you should vote for”?


No further action until a response is received



Other: Candidate and “campaign team” posted on a large international group chat encouraging students to vote for them; believes students voted as a result


Incident investigation, permission given to campaign on the group, no further action required


Intimidation of fellow candidates / campaigners / students / staff


Interrupting whilst talking to potential voters; invasion of personal space


No further action relating to this specific complaint as candidate has previously been spoken to regarding these accusations and would not have had the opportunity to amend behaviour prior to the receipt of this complaint; candidate previously received sanction for such behaviours



Attempting to coerce votes


An endorsement for the candidate appeared on DMU Instagram over the weekend; the intention of the post was to represent the University. Informed that the candidate would only attend the event if they agreed to endorse them.


The DRO spoke to the complainant and the candidate separately. The event had not taken place at the time of the complaint and there seemed to be some misunderstanding about the endorsement and the candidate.  The candidate argued that this was an event that they would attend regardless of whether they received the endorsement; the event was limited, the endorsement was not given and consequently no further action was taken based on no regulations being broken or no advantage gained


Other: homophobic insult


A member of the candidate’s campaigns team was referred to as a “lezza”


The DRO spoke to the complainant and the candidate separately. She informed the complainant that the candidate had denied saying this and was unaware of what it actually meant. In agreement with the RO, without additional witnesses the DRO felt it was difficult to investigate further; the complainant understood and was satisfied that the candidate had been spoken to about such behaviour. No further action


Violation not selected:


A member of the candidates’ campaign team led a confrontation with another candidate; restricting access to voters which has happened on a number of occasions


No further action relating to this specific complaint as candidate has previously been spoken to regarding these accusations and would not have had the opportunity to amend behaviour prior to the receipt of this complaint; candidate previously received sanction for such behaviours





The complainant had previously expressed concerns and had submitted a complaint regarding the physical proximity that one candidate continued to ignore despite being spoken to about it, by individuals and the DRO.


She was visibly distressed and felt that the behaviour was increasingly becoming more sexualised.  She spoke of the invasion of body space and unwanted mannerisms that made her feel particularly uncomfortable. 


She engaged students in conversation and the candidate would enter that conversation; when she moved away she alleges the candidate followed her.


She was going to speak to Security as she felt fearful.


The DRO immediately went to speak to the candidate and as a result of that conversation they were issued with a final written warning.


Attempting to coerce votes

Intimidation of fellow candidates / campaigners / students / staff


Repeatedly invading personal space; attempted to force campaign material into voters’ pockets; witnessed them being aggressive and intimidating towards other candidates, their campaigns teams and voters; has attempted to bully complainant into stopping campaigning for one individual to campaign for another (not themselves); interrupts conversations and speaks over complainant; spoken badly about another candidate


The candidate has previously been spoken to regarding most of these accusations and would not have had the opportunity to amend behaviour prior to the receipt of this complaint; candidate previously received sanction for such behaviours


Candidate will be informed of additional points within the complaint however no further action will be taken


Complainant has been advised to raise this with DMU as aspects of this complaint are not related to the elections and cannot be investigated within the election regulations


Intimidation of fellow candidates / campaigners / students / staff


Forcefully speaking over complainant; intimidating approach – invasion of personal space on a number of occasions


No further action relating to this specific complaint as candidate has previously been spoken to regarding these accusations and would not have had the opportunity to amend behaviour prior to the receipt of this complaint; candidate previously received sanction for such behaviours


Complainant has been advised to raise this with DMU as aspects of this complaint are not related to the elections and cannot be investigated within the election regulations


Intimidation of fellow candidates / campaigners / students / staff



Invasion of personal space and making candidate and other candidates feel uncomfortable, attempted to initiate physical contact and has made sexual comments / gestures


No further action relating to this specific complaint as candidate has previously been spoken to regarding these accusations and would not have had the opportunity to amend behaviour prior to the receipt of this complaint; candidate previously received sanction for such behaviours


Complainant has been advised to raise this with DMU as aspects of this complaint are not related to the elections and cannot be investigated within the election regulations


Intimidation of fellow candidates / campaigners / students / staff



Made to feel uncomfortable, routinely makes unwanted sexual comments and looks the individual up and down, licking his lips and saying “you look good”; initiated unwanted physical contact; interrupting and speaking over individual


No further action relating to this specific complaint as candidate has previously been spoken to regarding these accusations and would not have had the opportunity to amend behaviour prior to the receipt of this complaint; candidate previously received sanction for such behaviours


Complainant has been advised to raise this with DMU as aspects of this complaint are not related to the elections and cannot be investigated within the election regulations
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































Please note: Complaints *1* and *2* are not logged in chronological order hence being highlighted; this means that action(s) taken prior to the receipt of these complaints are also not in chronological order.