De Montfort Students’ Union (DSU) is looking for De Montfort University students (DMU) to join our highest decision-making body as a Student Trustee.
As a registered charity, DSU’s Trustee Board is made up of industry experts, plus both past and present DMU students – including our Officer Team – to oversee the work that we do to represent you.
Together, they form the strategic direction of the students’ union.
All members of the Trustee Board volunteer their time and hold meetings around four times a year.
Diya Rattanpal, your Equality and Diversity Executive and Trustee Board member said, ‘Being a Student Trustee is a great way to get involved with your students’ union if you’re passionate about the student movement and eager to help shape the direction that we take.
It’s a fantastic experience and you will have the opportunity to boost all of your skills!’
If you would like to to have a say in how your students' union is run, apply to become a Student Trustee today – head to this page here before 11:59 on Friday 19 June.
Please email your completed application form to