By-Election nominations open NOW!

We now have more opportunities to represent your course mates and fellow DMU students with our #LeadYourDSU By-Elections.

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Last month saw the biggest elections at De Montfort Students' Union (DSU) ever!

More of you put yourselves forward and voted for who should #LeadYourDSU than ever before. But do you think YOU could make a difference for fellow students?

We now have more opportunities to represent your coursemates and fellow De Montfort University (DMU) students with our #LeadYourDSU By-Elections. You can nominate yourself for the roles of;

Course Representatives
Every course at DMU can have a Course Representative. They are a student picked by their class mates via on online election. Course reps are trained to help you with any issues you face at university. They attend key meetings with academic staff and are responsible for letting academics know about the key issues students face. They should also feedback to students when changes are made. 

Some courses have already elected their Course Representatives for next year, however there are still hundreds of vacancies to fill across others. The role of Course Representative is voluntary.

Mature Students’ Representative or Postgraduate Students’ Representative
These are part-time, voluntary roles for DMU students to carry out alongside their studies. The successful candidates will ensure that DSU and DMU take the needs and input of mature and postgraduate students, respectively, into account when making key decisions. They also work to raise awareness of the issues that affect these groups of students in particular. There will be one successful candidate for Mature Students’ Representative and one for Postgraduate Students’ Representative.

School Representative Coordinators
School Representative Coordinators (SRCs) are students who work to make change and academically represent fellow DMU students at the highest levels of the university. They input into committees and meeting with their respective head of school, SRC’s are vital to the continuous improvement of DMU. SRC’s receive a bursary of £600 per year. 

You can nominate yourself or recommend a friend who you think would be a great representative through the DSU website or apply to be a SRC through MyDMU. The closing date for all nominations and applications is midday Friday 21 April.

Voting for the representative roles runs from midday Monday 24 April to midday Friday 28 April. Results will be announced Monday 8 May.

For more information, pop in and chat with the Voice at DSU team on the first floor of the Campus Centre or email them on

