Candidate for the position of Year 3 Representative:Interior Design - Rep

Image for Gloria Ndombele

Gloria Ndombele

Hello, I'm Gloria!

I relish the opportunity to become our course representative this academic year.
I'll be your go-to person when you need your views and opinions heard. I know that sometimes it can be challenging to request help and convey your opinions in general due to the fear of judgment, constant anxiety, or various reasons.

I promise you an open space to express your academic thoughts and opinions freely. Anything relayed remains anonymous. I'll meet both students and lecturers in the middle. Since this year will be the first time since the pandemic, we are going back to normal. It is vital to have a teaching environment suitable for all learning types. I aim to maintain a collaborative environment where that pressure is relieved. Having someone on the middle ground between students and lecturers is essential to enrich a healthy and honest form of communication. 

Please feel free to pull me aside to talk!