Candidate for the position of Year 3 Representative:Marketing - Rep

Image for Alice O'Reilly

Alice O'Reilly

Hi, I’m Alice a communicative and motivated student putting myself forward to represent 3rd year marketing students. 

I am organised, empathic, and willing to be an advocate for the ideas, suggestions, and concerns that students may have during our final year.

If you vote for me, I promise to:

  • Communicate - I will communicate regularly about developments and opportunities to influence decisions about our course and I will actively seek your views.

  • Be impartial - I will ensure that what I communicate to our course leadership team represents all our views.

  • Be constructive - I will work to create the best experience on our course. I’ll do this by working collaboratively with our course leaders, being organised, and seeking feedback from you.

If you want me to be our course representative, then please vote for me.