Candidate for the position of Year 2 Representative:Pharmacy - Rep

Image for Esohe Ogedegbe

Esohe Ogedegbe

Hi everybody,

My name is Esohe Ogedegbe and I am a first-year MPharm undergraduate student. I am running for the position of course rep for the second year of my programme because I would like to help bridge the gap between the faculty and students, especially in the pharmacy course. I want to ensure that the voices of everyone on this course are heard. If elected, I would aim to ensure that:

  1. The student body is kept informed of any changes to the course, our placements, assessment etc in a timely manner. I believe that clearer communication going forward would reduce the level of confusion faced by many students in the past year.
  2. Everyone has an outlet to express their views, as this is paramount in tailoring the course to how best you learn and giving you the best tools to succeed wherever possible.
  3. We have social and learning events specifically for our course, in order for us to meet with each other outside the classroom as I think this is essential for learning.

As a result of my previous experience as a Model United Nations delegate, I am certain that I will be able to represent the student body effectively and impartially, I am also willing to learn as I believe that together we will make the upcoming year both productive and enjoyable!!!