Candidate for the position of Student Voice Leader - Employability [Full-Time]

Jacob Mathew .

My Name is Jacob Mathew, 28 years old and currently pursuing Master studies in the field of Mechatronics at DeMontfort University.

I believe all our pursuits should transcend boundaries, physical or otherwise and we should not rest until there are equal opportunities for every one among us. What I would like to propose is a determined charge towards change. Change is always romanticized but rarely brought about. But why is real change hard to achieve? This is the question I want every one of us to think about. I believe we can bring about change. In many cases, inequality and lack of opportunities is a systemic issue. So, our response should also be a sustained one. And minor achievements along the way should not satisfy our thirst for lasting change.

In my role, I hope to bring to the forefront the various challenges facing marginalized and often under looked sections of students and design activities and programs that will empower them and achieve success. I will also actively work with liberation officers to come up with ideas to address various challenges to achieve lasting change.

So, I request the support of each one of you, to join together to make a better, fair, and prosperous future for everyone in DMU and I promise I will work hard to earn the trust you have placed in me.