Candidate for the position of Student Opportunities and Engagement Full Time Executive

Image for Sacha Christopher

Sacha Christopher

"Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world." - Roald Dahl

And to change the world, one student at a time, is what I aim to achieve if you

VOTE ME as YOUR Opportunities and Engagement Executive!

Hey you, I'm Sacha! I'm passionate about engaging with people from all walks of life, making sure we have a level playing field, no matter our backgrounds, so that we have the power to improve ourselves, our environment, and of course to change our world for the better.

In this role, I aim to ensure that the student voice is always heard and that decisions made by the powers-that-be are beneficial to us. It helps that I’m a good listener! 

I hope to encourage more students to participate in student groups and activities that may enrich your student lives and enable you to build better relationships, leading to bright and successful futures for all of us.

I’m a postgraduate Project Management student interested in music, all things space, and am an avid Potterhead. I worked 3 years as a coordinator and am able to work fluidly in teams and of course, individually. I’ve also been the vice-president of a campus magazine at a previous university where I studied broadcasting & journalism. I became passionate about engaging with people there. My student life has been interesting and I have always wanted to try out new things!

I look forward to being one of your executive officers and to work with all our student groups to boost our opportunities at DMU.

So your VOTE FOR ME is the right choice for you and for DMU!

Drop me a line anytime if you'd like to get to know me better, I'm always open to making new friends! 
