Candidate for the position of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer + (LGBTQ+) Officer

Image for Hari-Arjun Parmar

Hari-Arjun Parmar

Hello to all, 

My name is Hari-Arjun Parmar, a first year Architecture student and I am running as a candiate for the LGBTQ+ Officer. I found that as a gay man of colour, in the community, that it is so important to be your authentic self, and that it is okay to feel and be different. It has been very important to me to feel comfortable within my own skin and overtime, I have never felt so liberated to be confident with who I am and I would want the same for you all. As a candiate I want to tell you that I will be here to stand as a representative for this community and that I am here for you all no matter what; my skills from being Head Boy from my sixth form college has moulded me to be a good leader, carefully organise events  and to promote positivity and love to all.  In this role, I want to celebrate the pride and history within this community, I want to be there to listen to all those who feel like they need their voice heard, but above all, the most important part of this role, is that no matter what, from everything that has happened and continues to happen in society, that we all stand together as one.