Candidate for the position of Equality and Diversity Full Time Executive

Image for Albina Avizen

Albina Avizen

I believe this is the perfect opportunity for me to make use of my life experience and education within DMU. I am passionate about fighting discrimination as well as support underrepresented groups to be more visible by encouraging participation, this way taking away real and perceived barriers that will enable more diverse representation of our university students. By this commitment I would like to thank my university that I am proud of, and at the same time contribute to DMU's future by adding a special touch and vision of equal opportunities to our students, especially to international students that are new to UK.

I came to the UK for the first time at the age of 19 as a single mother to start a new life. Not knowing the language or anyone, I had to start my new life by myself. I received an opportunity to work with vulnerable people across the city, caring for end-of-life stage people as well people in need of help within mental health settings and social housing environment. I gained a unique experience through helping people empathetically and always positively. Whilst working full-time I was constantly self-developing and have gained English language certifications and Uniformed Public Services (UPS) diploma with the best student award on completion of this qualification. Finally, after 8 years of various work experiences, I have applied to DMU for an Accounting and Economics degree. I now have two children and am working on final year, whilst going through challenging times of the pandemic and having a personal life where I am currently bringing up the equality issues within local governmental organisations and specific departments. I believe that through this position I can bring the right changes to DMU through the unprecedented current changes and make the Equality and Diversion Department a leader in the new era.