Candidate for the position of Student Opportunities and Engagement Full Time Executive

Image for Rebecca Simm

Rebecca Simm

Hello, my name is Rebecca Simm, and I am currently a third year Law student. During my time as a student at De Montfort University, I have been actively involved with the Law Society by undertaking roles as Social Sec in my second year and as Vice Chair in my final year. During my time as a committee member combined with previous experience as a Beaver leader within the Scout organisation, I have developed many skills that would benefit me in the role as Student Opportunities Executive such as excellent organisation and communication skills which I enhanced during my time as Social Sec as I was responsible for organising weekly socials alongside the other social sec therefore developing my skills in teamwork. As a Beaver leader, I would often lead small groups of people and get them involved with whatever activity we were doing that week. As a result of this, I am a confident and outgoing person.

You should vote for me because I love hearing what you have to say. I thrive for change for the better and I will always be there to listen for your needs and wants. DSU has given me the opportunity to grow both socially and academically and that is something I want to give back to current and future students. I know that as a student in a new environment it can be daunting, I want to be that person that helps you get involved in what the DSU has to offer.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I can’t wait to represent you.