Candidate for the position of Welfare Full Time Executive

Image for Shammah Chikuri

Shammah Chikuri

My name is shammah and I am a third-year medical science student. I have always had a passion for raising awareness about mental health and ways we can better help each other as people, which has now developed during the pandemic.
Hearing students struggles and concerns about their experiences at this time has often had me wondering what  can be done to make sure all students are thriving to the best of their ability during unforeseen circumstances like what we are facing now. Therefore, when I found out about the role of welfare officer, I was excited to apply.
To me, being a welfare officer means being a bridge between students and everything that affects us, whether It is university facilities, accommodation, or safety concerns.
As a welfare officer I would like to improve  the  support offered for students dealing with mental and physical illness. I want there to be access to interactive resources for students  such as activities, journaling and online programs that are designed to help students feel supported, and cope with the challenges they face whilst creating an action plan on how they can achieve the best outcome on their course.
I want  to push for all students on all courses to have access to the facilities they need to complete their work wherever possible and more time to complete their work where access to facilities is not possible.
I believe as a welfare officer I can partner with you as students to make changes that are relevant to your university experience.