Candidate for the position of Postgraduate Students' Part-Time Officer

Image for Anwar Salim Bapu

Anwar Salim Bapu

  • Hello, my name is Anwar Bapu. I am studying to in Engineering Management and standing for Postgraduate Student Officer. I was working with 60% of industries managers such as chemicals, manufacturing, foods and beverages, refinery, construction and many more. So, I have experience of industrial work and responsibility for every single person who worked in industry or company. 
  • Now, I aim to helping students who studied postgraduate programme and ensure all necessary things those learned. Also, helping to ensure gaining skills, finding programme related events, making excellence CV. Furthermore, if any students stuck in any situation. So, our team would be helping any time.
  • Our team and university organized various events which is based on postgraduate studies. If you are giving me a votes or chance, Therefore, I explore mine knowledge and really every student enjoy their course.
  • Best of luck for postgraduate studies!!!