Candidate for the position of x

Image for Samuel Ogar Danor

Samuel Ogar Danor


Hi, my name is Samuel Ogar Danor, a Masters (MSc.) student of Cyber Security. I am seeking your mandate to represent you as your postgraduate Student Officer.

I am vying for this position because I see a need to bring postgraduate students closer together and create a platform for social and intellectual engagements and networking that will birth relationships including business relationships that outlives our stays in De Montfort University.

I want to be your voice where and when issues that affects you are being discuss, I seek to be that bridge connecting you and the university management ensuring your plights, complains and challenges are presented to the appropriate authorities and follow up to ensure that actions are taken to address them. As an international student, I understand the challenges that most international postgraduate students face in De Montfort University and I believe I can work with the management to address them.


My Experience

I did my undergraduate studies at the University of Calabar, Nigeria where I studied Electronics and Computer Technology (BSc.), during my studies, I was the Course Representative for the duration of the programme, I also served as the financial secretary of the National Association of Physics and Computer Students (NAPCS) university of Calabar chapter.


What I Want to Achieve

Although things are done virtually now due to the pandemic, my desire is to ensure postgraduate students have.

  • Access to best online events and activities that promote their health, wellbeing, academic and social activities.
  • Access to online events that connect them with potential employers or increase their chances of employment.
  • Opportunities for socializing, networking, and collaborating.
  • Their voice heard and concerns taken seriously and addressed.

These and more we can achieve together.


Your vote and support can make this happen!