Candidate for the position of Year 3 Representative:Forensic Science - Rep

Petchura Crouch

I have been a course representative for both first and second year. Never have I been one to shy away from raising a student's concern with a lecturer or to be weak in speaking for our cohort. We should be able to complete our last, and arguably most academically important, year comfortably and with as little worries or doubts as possible. Therefore, it is my strong belief that our cohort needs firm representatives who will be able to raise any issue or concern without fear of those who hold a higher level of authority. I know that I can be one of these people. I have faced negativity and bullying from this role in the past but that will not stop me from fulfilling my role as a voice for my fellow friends and coursemates. I would be honoured to represent you all again for our final year, if you all have faith in me to do so.