Candidate for the position of Year 2 Representative:Forensic Science - Rep

Image for Rohan Kalyan

Rohan Kalyan

Rohan Kalyan for FSCI 2nd Year Student Rep

A little bit about me

As I'm sure you know, I was course rep for first year and took the role of emailing lecturers in regards to issues that affected the whole cohort along with the other representatives as well as attended an online meeting to help answer any questions and gain more information on exams for the class.


Amongst my friendship group, I am known for being outspoken and portraying my views, being honest and still managing to be funny and approachable.  I'd like to be able to apply this to the role of being student rep whilst taking on your opinions and feedback and passing them onto module leaders and lecturers 



Why me?

Like I said in first year, ‘I may look like an absolute mess when I come to lectures, but i promise i am organised’. As the student rep for second year, I aim to:

  1. Present the views of you and other members of our class to the appropriate people

  2. Communicate what module leaders and other team members have to say to the rest of the cohort

  3. Attend meetings that will answer questions that you and other classmates may have 

  4. Ensure your voice is heard 

  5. Do it in the most Rohan way possible


Thank You