Candidate for the position of Year 3 Representative:Psychology with Criminology - Rep

Irene Ferri

Hi, I'm Irene Ferri and I would like to have the honor to become again a course representative for my last year at De Montfort University. I've been elected in the last academic year and the experience was incredibly rewarding. Being in contact with so many of my peers opened my eyes to the current issues we as students face every day.  In this past year, I accomplished many of the things my peers and I raised up during our student voice committee sessions. 

1. Those with learning disabilities have been supplied with the right material in order for them to follow the seminars without struggling 

2. Inconsistencies have been raised in seminars and workshops across the year and  I took actions by creating questionnaires. Many issues have been resolved thanks to this technique 

3. Students sometimes prefer to approach me directly and I always note down their concerns and make sure they know where to go to solve their problems and in some cases, I've been able to solve students issues by attending meetings with a specific lecturer or by sending emails until a resolution was found.

Being elected again to me would mean continue the work that I started during my second year and continue to support all my peers and some special regards with those who struggle the most and that sometimes they're too scared to raise their voice by themself.

1. I would commit to making sure all the concerns I brought up will have a resolution in this upcoming year

2. More questionnaires will be done and sent during the year to have continuous feedback on the student situation

3. I will continue to raise your voices,  as I'm proud to be part of this university and of my course.

Why Vote For Me?

I already have a wealth of experience working with lecturers, staff members, and other course representatives, and I have your interests at heart. With your voices behind me, I can use the knowledge I have gained of the workings of the DMU to best represent and implement your ideas. So if you like what I hope to achieve, I would be most appreciative of your support!