Candidate for the position of Union Development Full Time Executive

Image for Martyna Smierzchala

Martyna Smierzchala

Hello! My name is Martyna Smierzchala and I am a 2nd year International Relations student running for the Union Development Executive role. I believe that I will bring many positive changes to the DSU, by being an accurate representation of the students' desires and wishes. If I was elected for the role, these are the changes that I would implement:

  • Ideas Forum (Inspired by University of Derby and Loughborough): This would be a space on the SU website where students could post their own ideas for change that they would like to see. Example: “I would like a 24hr gym”. Any ideas that get 20 votes would be passed on to the Exec team.
  • Pursue extra partnerships: Currently the SU is partnered with NUS, which provides volunteering opportunities and some tips for student life! More partnerships would mean more opportunities and even more benefits for the average student. Maybe even some brand deals to spice it up! It wouldn’t hurt to investigate and approach business to establish a mutually beneficial relationship.

You might be thinking; that’s not a lot of ideas? Does this girl even know what she’s doing? I believe that my ideas would only get in the way of yours. It would be selfish of me to come here and have a year-long list of everything that I want to see, because this isn’t about me. It’s about you. You, the students; plural. What do you want from the Students' Union? The ‘Ideas Forum’ would give me insight into the projects you would like me to pursue and the partnerships would hopefully give me the resources to help your wants become a reality.

By not having my own preconceived wants and ideas, I will not be distracted from yours! My attention would be on you, not me. I am not a mind reader, or a seer. Therefore, I cannot in good conscience tell you that I know what you want to hear from me. But I can promise that I will go out of my way to listen, to give you the best student experience I can.

So, vote for me, I’ve got your back!