Candidate for the position of Student Opportunities and Engagement Full Time Executive

Image for Aisha Ismail

Aisha Ismail

Hi, I'm Aisha your current Student Opportunities and Engagement Executive! 

During my first year as your Executive, my priority has been enhancing the student experience. I've put on events, campaigns, sessions and more to support, empower and enrich student life. I have also lobbied the university when necessary and have worked successfully with different departments and organisations such as the University, BUCS and NUS by representing you and providing opportunities for all students.

I would like to ask you to RE-ELECT me as your Student Opportunities and Engagement Executive

If RE-ELECTED, these are the changes I would like to implement:

  • Accrediting Committee Training; getting recognition for committee members for their hard work and dedication towards their groups by the University in the form of an award.
  • Easier room booking procedure for Student Groups; I will continue to lobby the University to simplify the procedure and processing time it takes to book rooms on both the weekdays and weekends.
  • Increase overall engagement of the student body; working with disengaged students to make sure that all voices are heard across the Union and any necessary change is implemented. 
  • Inclusivity for all; working with the Liberation Representatives to ensure that inclusivity is embedded all across campus. I will bravely start discussions on the inequalities faced by different individuals or groups to further the feeling of an inclusive student experience.
  • Increasing collaborations to provide more opportunities; I plan on working closely with the University, local businesses and communities to seek the best opportunities available for students to get involved with, learn from and enjoy. 

If re-elected, I will guarantee to devote myself to continue working hard for your best interest and to support all students and enhance their experiences here at De Montfort Students' Union.

Because it's you who matters to me!