Candidate for the position of Second Year Economics - Rep

Image for Adil Mehmood

Adil Mehmood

My name is Adil Mehmood and I am a first year Economics BSc student. By voting for me as your course representative the year group will gain an extremely amicable, dedicated and articulate individual who is passionate in ensuring everyone has their opinion voiced, to enhance their educational and extracurricular aspects at university.

As a student who has a wide range of commercial experience through my professional involvements in the UK and abroad, within the private and public sector, I possess the appropriate skill set to relay the voices of my fellow peers to the relevant bodies using the correct channels. I will not only vow to ensure your sentiments are aired but I will follow through to guarantee changes are successfully and promptly made.


My aims are as follows:

-              To increase the number of informal formative assessments that are given to us. This will augment the amount of useful feedback we receive and allow us to be well prepared for the formal summative assessments.

-              Actively engage and work together with our academics and fellow course representatives to influence and have a vital say in the future direction and excellence of our course.

-              Dynamically communicate with the BAL to increase the number of professional experiences available to us along with engaging with professionals through this channel to hold networking and panel events augmenting our professional skillset. 

-              Collaborate with the correct bodies to ensure there are processes and opportunities available and advertised effectively for those facing any struggles in terms of academic and personal issues.  


My aims and targets are in no way limited to the above! Through the above aims and via anything else that YOU bring to my attention I would like to strengthen the relations between students and staff for the benefit of everyone!