Candidate for the position of Second Year Psychology

Amana Imthiyaz

I'm Amana Imthiyaz and I would like to be your course rep. having had experience as year 1 course rep, I would love to continue with this onto next year. Having been able to feedback any issues during meetings with lecturers etc. has been helpful to students and I hop I have answered most of the questions you have provided for me. I've had experience leading a student body by being president of the Riyadh Gavel Club and being a student rep back home. Having this experience allows me to represent all of you. I believe that the student voice is important as we are the ones who are working hard to achieve what we can, and if there was o student voice, a lot of people would be intimidated by the new life they have walked into. Students feedback important things that can help a wide range of students. Issues that some students are facing includes receiving help too late for things such as learning difficulties and therefore for next years freshers, I hope to make lecturers more aware in order to speed up the process so that all students feel more comfortable and settled in when they begin university.