DRO Decisions

Deputy Returning Officers Rulings  

Issue Number   Decision Authorising by-law Result       



To allow alternations to manifestos, including new submissions up until 18th February

Alternations and new submissions allowed until 9am on the 18th February




That one to one candidates briefings will only be allowed in exceptional circumstances, attendance to candidates briefing was also dependent on submission of final copies of nomination forms


Candidates who did not attend briefings and did not face exception circumstances were removed from elections




That candidates must be current students 


Candidate checks were undertaken and relevant actions were taken



A number of candidates were withdrawn from the election for the following reasons:

Failure to complete a valid nomination


Failure to attend mandatory training events

2.7.2 and 2.10.2.

Relevant candidates were removed




It was decided that candidates could include logos and images election videos

No action required 



Reviewed campaign material and identified the use of a  symbol that had a overtly political history and context. Decided to allow the use of the symbol 


2.1.5 Cleared effected material  01/03/2019

DRO agreed the order of the proxy ballot (using the order from the website which was randomised) 

Agreed that the proxy vote would go out at 3pm 06/03/2019

2.13.5 Proxy ballot to be sent 06/03/2019
8   Candidates were told not to put posters on lifts  2.11.2


Candidate informed


9   Candidate complained that they were at the bottom on the list on the website. 2.1.5. DRO informed the candidat  that the order of candidates would be randomised when students voted  06/03/2019
10   Further concerns were raised about the use of the hammer and the sickle  2.1.5

The issue was recorded and students can speak to the election team if they have concerns


11   Candidate informed that they could not run a raffle to encourage students to vote for them   2.1.6


Candidate informed and redesigned campaign material




A student was covering campaign material with a poster reading "I don't need this" 


2.1.5 Student was asked to stop and agreed  06/03/2019




  Assorted candidates leafleting inside the library 2.11.2.  Candidates told to stop 06/03/2019

Two candidates were in a healthy DMU video that is going to be released this week. The candidates reported this themselves, stating that they had checked if they were allowed to be in it . The candidate stated that they had not been made aware that it would be released during election week until recently


2.9.4 SU staff member working with University to rearrange video  06/03/2019

DRO agreed ordering of candidates on proxy voting ballot and that the proxy voting ballot should be sent out at 3pm on 06/03/2019.


The order of the ballot should be the random pattern as seen on the website  


2.9.4 Ballot sent out 06/03/2019
16   It was decided to extend the deadline for budgets until 12 noon Friday 8th March  2.9.4

Candidates informed


Delivery costs do not count towards candidate’s budget total.


2.1.6 Notice given 07/03/2019
18 (1)   

A candidate submitted a complaint on the grounds of "intimidation of candidates" and "campaign material suggest slander against individual/organisation" 


2.10.1. Formal warning giving to candidate in question  13/03/2019
19 (2)   

A student submitted a complaint on the grounds of "intimidation of candidates" and "campaign material suggest slander against individual/organisation"  and "attempting to coerce votes," and "negative personal campaigning" and "other" 


2.10.1 Formal warning giving to candidate in question  13/03//2019

20 (3) 


A candidate submitted a complaint on the grounds of "campaign material suggest slander against individual/organisation"


2.10.1 Formal warning giving to candidate in question 13/03/2019
21 (4)   

A candidate submitted a complaint on the grounds of "over spending on budget" 


2.10.1 The complaint was investigated, no action was required.  13/03/2019
22 (5)   

A candidate submitted a complaint on the grounds of "attempting to coerce voters" 


Formal warning issued to candidates in question

23 (6)   

A candidate submitted a complaint on the grounds of "Campaigning too close to polling stations" 


2.10.1 Formal warning issued to candidate in question  13/03/2019
24 (7)   

A student submitted a complaint on the grounds of "Overspend on budget/use of undeclared resources" 


The complaint was investigated, no action was required


25 (8)   

A candidate submitted a complaint on the grounds of "Other"


2.10.1 The complaint was investigated, no action was required 13/03/2019
26 (9)   

A candidate submitted a complaint on the grounds of "Overspend on budget/usage of undeclared resource." 


The complaint was investigated, no action was required

27 (10)   

A candidate submitted a complaint on the grounds of "campaigning too close to polling station" 


2.10.1 Formal warning issued to candidate in question  13/03/2019
28 (11)   

A student submitted a complaint on the grounds of "attempting to coerce votes," and intimidation of fellow candidates/campaigners/ student/staff" and "campaign materials suggest slander against an individual/organisation," and "negative personal campaigning" 


2.10.1 Formal warning issued to candidate in question 




29 (12)   

A candidate submitted a complaint on the grounds of "Intimidation of fellow candidates/campaigners/ students/staff" and "negative personal campaigning," and "campaigning too close to polling stations." 


2.10.1 Formal warning issued to candidate in question  13/03/2019
30 (13)  

A candidate submitted a complaint on the grounds of "attempting to coerce votes," and "intimidation of fellow candidates/campaigners/student/staff" and "campaign materials suggest slander agianst an individual/organisation" 


2.10.1 Investiagted and verbal informal warning was given 13/03/2019
31 (14)   

A candidate submitted a complaint on the grounds of "campaigning too close to polling station" 



Formal warning issued to candidate in question and action taken at the time of complaint submission 


32 (15)   

A candidate submitted a complaint on the grounds of "campaigning too close to polling station." 



Formal warning issued to candidate in question- DSU staff were briefed again about campaigning boundaries 



33 (16)   

A candidate submitted a complaint on the grounds of "intimidation of fellow candidates, and "negative personal campaigning"



Conducted full investigation, including a witness statement from an independant party, DSU ballot was closed early to protect candidate welfare 


34 (17)  

A student submitted a complaint on the grounds of "intimidation of fellow candidates/campaigners/student/staff" and "campaigning too close to a poll station." 



Conducted full investigation, including a witness statement from an independant party, DSU ballot was closed early to protect candidate welfare


35 (18)   

A candidate submitted a complaint on the grounds of "intimidation of fellow candidates/campaigners/students/staff" and "negative personal campaigning," 


2.10.1 A formal   l warning was given and a informal verbal warning was given  13/03/2019
36 (19)   

A student submitted a complaint on the grounds of "campaigning too close to the polling station." 


2.10.1 A formal   l warning was given and a informal verbal warning was given 13/03/2019
37 (20)    A candidate submitted a complaint on the grounds of "intimidation of fellow candidates"  2.10.1

Conducted full investigation, including a witness statement from an independant party, DSU ballot was closed early to protect candidate welfare





.38 (21)  

 A candidate submitted a complaint on the grounds of "intimidation of fellow candidate" and "campaiging too close to polling station." 


Conducted full investigation, including a witness statement from an independant party, DSU ballot was closed early to protect candidate welfare


39 (22)  

A student submitted a complaint on the grounds of "Intimidation of fellow candidates"  and "attempting to coerce votes,"  and campaigning too close to polling station."


2.10.1 Informal verbal warning was given  13/03/2019
40 (23)  

A candidate submitted a complaint on the grounds of "Intimidation of fellow candidates" and "negative personal campaigning"


2.10.1 Formal warning given to candidate  13/03/2019
41 (24)   

A candidate submitted a complaint on the grounds of "Intimidation of fellow candidates," 


2.10.1 Formal warning given to candidate 13/03/2019
42 (25)   

A student submitted a complaint on the grounds of intimidation of fellow candidates" and "campaigning too close to polling stations" 


2.10.1 No action taken based on lack of evidence  13/03/2019