
DSU is on hand to give advice and answer your questions about disciplinaries should you need it. Please be aware, DSU is currently working from home but you can contact our Advice team via email at dsuadvice@dmu.ac.uk. For frequently asked questions, please see below... 

I’ve received a letter about a disciplinary, what should I do?
Don’t panic and follow the instructions in the letter. Contact DSU Advice to make an appointment and email the investigator to confirm your attendance at the meeting. Prepare any information you might need during the interview for example full names of witnesses, details of relevant events including times and dates where possible, and print any evidence you wish to provide, such as photos, emails, texts and social media messages. Co-operate with the investigation, by attending when asked, and providing anything they request from you.
How long will the investigation take?
Each case is unique so timescales can vary widely. Every effort is made to progress with cases efficiently and thoroughly. Occasionally there may be unavoidable delays such as witnesses being unavailable, but if their evidence is deemed important, it will not be excluded just to avoid a delay. If there has been any Police involvement in the matter, the university’s investigations must remain on hold until after the Police and Crown Prosecution Service have concluded any action they may be taking in relation to the matter. In this event the investigation may not be able to commence for several months. During the investigation you may be able to continue studying, unless you are notified of your suspension. If suspended, the case will be reviewed every four weeks and there is a right of appeal after 14 days of suspension outlined in the Regulations.
What happens if I am suspended?
If in any doubt, clarify this with DMU Security, as breaching the terms of a suspension will be a further breach of the disciplinary code. Suspension usually means that you are not allowed on campus, except to attend meetings as part of the investigation, such as to meet with your representative or security. Whilst suspended, you cannot access university facilities, such as computer suites, the library, and possibly other facilities too such as the Gym. You cannot attend classes or submit any work for assessment, nor can you receive any results. You can however come to the students' union for an advice appointment.
What happens after the investigation?
After the investigation is concluded, the Investigating Officer and the Clerk to the Disciplinary Committee determine whether the case shall be referred to a Authorised Officer (formerly called a Provost) as a minor offence or a Disciplinary Committee for major offences.
What is an Authorised Officer (formerly known as a Provost)?
An Authorised Officer is a member of DMU staff responsible for dealing with minor disciplinary cases within their jurisdiction. Each Faculty has at least one, and there is one for Libraries and another for University managed or nominated accommodation.
What are the possible outcomes at an Authorised Officer meeting?
• Receiving a formal reprimand (oral warning) which lasts for three full terms.


• Receiving a written warning which lasts for a period of three full terms.


• Being required to make an apology.


• Having to pay a fine of up to £100.


• Having to reimburse DMU for costs incurred in rectifying any damages caused.


The Authorised Officer may also (after consultation with the Clerk to the Disciplinary Committee and/or Head of Security) recommend that a student is prevented from undertaking certain university activities, including participating in DMU Global events.
What is a Disciplinary Committee hearing?
A panel is formed from trained members of staff who are unconnected with your case and will act with impartiality. There are protocols for the conduct of the hearing and the student will have the opportunity to present their case with the help of a representative if they wish. The committee will decide the appropriate outcome, with reference to DMU's Student Disciplinary process.
What are the possible outcomes at a Committee Hearing?
• Expulsion (meaning the student can never be re-admitted to DMU in the future).


• Suspension for up to a year.


• Expulsion from University managed accommodation.


• Exclusion from certain University facilities, premises, services or activities.


• A severe reprimand to remain on record until the completion of their studies at DMU.


• A reprimand to remain on record until the completion of their studies at DMU.


• Having to reimburse the University for any costs incurred in hearing the case, for example, costs of obtaining a memorandum of conviction.


• Having to reimburse DMU for costs incurred in rectifying any damages caused.


• Being required to make an apology
Will a disciplinary affect my grades?
The penalties for disciplinary offences do not include reducing your marks or degree classification. However, if the outcome is expulsion, this will remove all marks awarded for the entire academic year.
Will a disciplinary affect my future?
The University may be required to provide details of disciplinary action as part of a reference request, but it will not be shown on your transcript or HEAR.
Can someone come with me to a disciplinary meeting?
Yes. You are permitted to bring a companion with you. This could be a friend or relative, alternatively you may request to be accompanied by a member of the Advice and Wellbeing team subject to availability. You are only allowed to have one companion and you are not permitted to have a solicitor.
What can I do if I disagree with the outcome?
There is an appeals process which can be used if you can show that the correct procedures were not followed or that the penalty applied was disproportionate or that there is new and relevant evidence that was not available earlier (i.e. this cannot be used to submit evidence that was available earlier but was not provided). The deadline to appeal is 14 days after the hearing.


If the appeal is accepted, another hearing will be convened with a new panel.


If the appeal is dismissed for lacking substance, this decision shall be final.


Once the internal procedures have been exhausted a ‘Completion of Procedures’ letter will be issued. This entitles you to access the independent adjudicator (OIA) who can review your case. Before doing so it is advisable to speak to a DSU Adviser. More information about the OIA is available on their website: www.oiahe.org.uk
Where can I find DMU’s disciplinary procedure?
Can I get advice?
Yes, DSU Advice offers advice on the procedures and can help you to prepare your case, including accompanying you as a companion to interviews and hearings (by appointment only and subject to availability).