Elections 2020: Nominations are now OPEN!

Elections 2020: Nominations are now OPEN!

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Nominations to become part of the De Montfort Students’ Union (DSU) 2020/21 Officer Team are now OPEN!

Nominate yourself today if you think that you have what it takes to make a change by representing your fellow De Montfort University (DMU) students.

There are five full-time Executive Officer roles and seven part-time Liberation Representative roles to fill that will lead the SU for 2020-2021. Could you be a part of our next Officer Team?

Within each role is a focus, all of which have the outcome of improving student experience and to ensure that here at DSU, we are continuously representing your interests

Governance Coordinator Mu-Hamid Pathan says: “The De Montfort Students’ Union is a student-led, democratic organisation which represents students of De Montfort University.

“In order to do this effectively, we have a body of elected student Executive Officers who are responsible for different areas of policy. These Executive Officers are elected by students of the university to represent them and lead the SU.

Nominations are open from Wednesday 15 January until Friday 14 February 2020 at demontfortsu.com/vote

Mu-Hamid continued: “Running for election gives you the ability to make a lasting, inspirational change in the union and leave behind a legacy beyond your educational career here. It allows you to not only develop your skills but also empowers you to raise issues that need addressing.

“You will get to lead the way for an effective student union that has a membership of over 25,000 students and run your own campaigns addressing some of the key issues that students face.

“As full-time and part-time Officers, you will have the chance of working together and building strong working relationships – supporting each other’s work.

“Even if you don’t win, it is a fantastic way of learning new skills and developing your confidence!”

See below for a full list of the positions that you can currently nominate yourself for;

Full-time Executive roles:

  • Academic Executive;
  • Equality and Diversity Executive;
  • Student Opportunity and Engagement Executive;
  • Union Development Executive;
  • Welfare Executive

Part-time Representative roles:

  • BAME Students’ Representative;
  • International Students’ Representative;
  • LGBTQ+ Students’ Representative;
  • Mature Students’ Representative;
  • Postgraduate Students’ Representative;
  • and Women’s Representative.

Find out more about the roles, Elections rules and more here.

Nominate yourself today here and be the inspirational change. Nominations close Friday 14 February 2020.  

