Candidate for the position of NUS Delegates

Image for Wiktoria Pulka

Wiktoria Pulka

Hello! My name is Wiktoria. I am currently a third year law student, and I will go on to do my LPC at DMU next year. Although times are uncertain and scary at the moment, I firmly believe that we can still make some important changes and impacts as students. After all, we are the future.

We all need to be treated fairly and equally, and our different experiences need to be recognised, especially during a global pandemic that is affecting everything in our lives. I believe I am a good candidate to effectively listen, collate, and communicate your viewa to bring about positive changes. I want to hear everything – no presumptions or guesses will be made about we ‘think’ you need. 

I have been a Student Representative in my second year of university, so I am familiar with the process of getting your views across to university, and giving you the feedback. Also, I am a volunteer advice worker at Citizen’s Advice Bureau, so I meet many different people with different backgrounds and experiences, and together we work through the problem and come to a solution – I aim to use this knowledge and skill to better tailor solutions and advice to each student so that all voices are heard, regardless of who you are. I would like to bring more topics into discussion and hear what you want introduced or improved at university, such as counselling services, self-defence courses, seminars of specific issues, and many more. I am under the belief that not a single person should feel disadvantaged, especially not at university where we are just starting out at university and we aim to make our impact. I hope together we can come out of our comfort zones and speak up!