Sponsorship and Affiliations

Student groups are able to obtain sponsorships from external organisations to generate more funds or obtain discounted or free services from external providers. All sponsorships and affiliations must be approved by the Opportunities Team each academic year.

Before approaching organisations for affiliations or sponsorships, please check through our guidance document first.

Student Group Affiliations and Sponsorship Guidance


An affiliation means that your student group is able to build connections and associate with external organisations, who represent their student group aims and/or activity. An affiliation does not necessarily mean that funding is received, but a shared interest in your reason for existence creates bond between the group and the affiliated organisation.

Click here to download the 2022/23 Affiliation Form


Sponsorships are different from Affiliations as they involve your group receiving financial support. This financial support can be more than just money, it could include discounts, equipment, advertising and more. By using our Sponsorship Agreement you are protecting yourself from being financially liable.

Click here to download the 2022/23 Sponsorship Agreement